Saturday, September 29, 2007

Eye Sugery

The kids (Casey and Samantha) had their eye surgery yesterday - boy am I glad that's over with!

Thursday we went in for a dr's appt and to get their new prescription - found out that the surgery wasn't until 2:45 on Friday - YIKES! BUT we got all the info we needed - they couldn't eat after midnight - clear liquids only bla bla bla -

BUT We survived - we were at the hospital for 6 hours - but everything went pretty fast - they did Samantha for the first half hour - then Casey - then after about a half ho ur after Samantha got out she was waking up - so I stayed the whole time with Collin - whew that was fun :) He was actually pretty good though - in a good mood the most of the time - so that was nice :)

Samantha did really good with her surgery - no bleeding or anything -
Casey had some though - his eyes were irritated from the eye drops the day before so they were twice as irritated after the surgery - I felt so bad for him - waking up in a daze and all he wanted to do was rub his eyes! But we fought him off and he started waking up - they upped his medicine but he ate a ton of ice chips - drank a whole cup of juice and ate about 10 crackers - So he wasn't going to get sick -
Samantha slowly ate her crackers and juice - she wasn't too happy but she was doing ok - she gets really quiet and still when she doesn't feel well and so that's pretty much all she did -

This morning is going better - I set my alarm on my phone to wake me up every 4 hours last night so we were right on top of the medicine so they didn't wake up in agony - whew :) They'll appreaciate that later in life :) but today I already got yelled at by both of them for waking them up 3 times while they were trying to sleep :)
This morning they're doing better - they woke up early and are watching the Hanna Montanna marathon - OH BOY!! We've only seen every show 10 times!
BUT They're hanging in there - trying to get them to start eating today and back to normal - hopefully by tonight/tomorrow they'll be up and around a little more then back to school on Monday - they said they SHOULD be able to go to school but they are the only ones who can tell you if they're up to it or not - sooo we'll just have to wait and see :)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Halloween stuff

Made a alittle halloween thing

It's a chipboard with a little clip - used last years Halloween picture when we went to see the "witches" at the Village Gardens - planning a trip out there again this year my kids LOVED those witches :)

Then went to my MIL to sew some Pillows and stuff for Christmas -
It says "Stewart's a journey to forever"
LOVE these :)

THEN went to the LSBS and got the supplies to make my halloween mummy board this was fun - we made it at Enrichment - I'm going back next week to get a few more chalk boards and stuff to make as gifts for halloween :)
The tag says "TOMB many days to count" I don't usually decorate for halloween but these were cute so I had to make one :)

This was taken at Roberts' craft store - yes I took their picture in the store display window! But I used my phone so it was fast and no one saw us (HA HA)

Made this for my inlaws anniversary - just a little match book tied to a candle :) Got the idea out of the PC magizine April 2007 issue :)

Been trying to work on some cards and stamping stuff but I can't get my supplies out - I just don't have the time anymore :(

OH well - soon!

Thanks for looking